Follow the market’s direction and know when volatility could spike.
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Over 1400 traded stock market symbols in six different markets.
Take advantage of investment opportunities by engaging in the buying and selling of currencies through trading major or minor currency pairs like EURUSD, AUDGBP or USDJPY.
Read More +Trade on the performance of multiple stock companies as a whole and invest in global indices like S&P 500, Nasdaq, and FTSE by monitoring local economic conditions.
Read More +Experience greater flexibility without buying the underlying assets by investing in big tech firms and other popular stock companies like Amazon, Microsoft and Apple.
Read More +Trade different spot metals where you can speculate Gold (XAU) or Silver (XAG) against major currencies. Invest in other precious metals like Aluminium and Platinum.
Read More +Get more exposure to a wide variety of commodities and invest in agricultural and energy derivative contracts. Trade different commodities like Brent oil, coffee or gas.
Read More +With digital currencies, you can go long or short and trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and Cardano. Make the most out of the volatile market with the right tools and platform.
Read More +Our experience as investors in the financial markets gives us a unique perspective on what you need. A strong and efficient foundation is essential for traders to succeed and grow in ever-changing markets.
We offer a sophisticated platform toolkit for any device that allows you to trade the markets with an innovative approach. With a range of customizable options and a user-friendly interface, our platform features and expanding range of trading class assets can lead to attractive trading opportunities.
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